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STORM has landed!
Click HERE to see the Storm Tracker as it progresses across the globe.
A note from Michelle…
Storm is an album about self-reflection, perseverance, and accepting, but ultimately letting go of the negatives in our lives. For me, a storm can represent each human emotion in a different form. Whether it be anger, sadness, joy, despair, love, regret, frustration or confusion, a storm is powerful and cannot be controlled. However, those who fight to find inner strength, peace, and happiness, learn to wait out the weather until it settles. They learn to find humour in the imperfections and even start to appreciate every storm that life throws at them. After all, the best time to appreciate a sunny day is after a lot of rain!
During a time of complete uncertainty, my hope is that this album will be able to provide some comfort and reassurance. We are all experiencing the same Storm right now and we all have to do our part to get through this together. I became a song-writer because I learned early on in life that music is a unifying force and a universal language. Not only that, it is also a healing force for both the listeners and the writer. As the past couple of months were unfolding, I wondered whether releasing an album would even be appropriate during these troubled times. Ultimately, I realized it is now more important than ever for people to be staying creative and doing what they love. I am extremely passionate about the songs on this album and excited for you to hear them. I hope you and yours are safe, sane and smiling. Sending many virtual hugs...
~ Mich
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